Chaim Steinberger, J.D. 2128223
Sometimes we just have to fight–to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our security, our future. But most people fight because they believe they don’t have a choice. Imagine if someone could give you that choice–if you are enabled and empowered to protect yourself, your loved ones, your future and your security, without destroying the things that are most precious to you. Wouldn’t that be a relief? You could focus on making life better and moving on, rather than getting mired down in the past, embroiled in controversy as life passes you by.
Mr. Steinberger graduated top of his class in law school earning numerous distinctions and working at some of the most prestigious law firms in the country. Clerking for a Federal judge allowed him to peer behind the curtain and understand what motivates judges to rule the way that they do. During this time he went through his own nasty divorce and realized that “there must be a better way.” He has since dedicated his life to practicing that better way on behalf of his clients and the public.
Utilizing the latest in mediation, negotiation and psychological techniques, Mr. Steinberger protects and defends his clients when they are most vulnerable. His compassion, insight and professionalism comfort his clients and give them the freedom to make bold choices. His dedication and leave-no- stone-unturned meticulousness, protects his clients from any shenanigans and gives them the best chance to achieve their goals. Respected by many, he is warm and approachable and will make you feel welcome and well-cared-for.
As a speaker Mr. Steinberger engages and draws his audience into participating in a conversation and discussion. Frequently lecturing on issues such as Divorce Without Destruction, Love & True Love, ethics and the painful issue of parental alienation, Mr. Steinberger is a frequent volunteer and lecturer educating the Bench, Bar and public on these important legal and social issues.
As a mediator, Mr. Steinberger has quickly resolved many disputes (commercial as well as matrimonial), some which have lasted for years and have cost the litigants many hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. One divorcing couple, having participated in a mediation session with Mr. Steinberger, decided afterwards not to get divorced. Dubbed by clients “The Divorce Whisperer,” his unique approach was characterized as the “Chaimlich Maneuver.” One parent thanked him saying, “You gave my daughter back her childhood,” while a psychologist noted that, “Before I heard you speak I would’ve never let any of my children become a lawyer.” Mr. Steinberger welcomes the opportunity to help you or speak to your organization. Call the office below to contact him.